Well, listeners, this is Tony Weldon speaking. Here we are on the
third of our series of Ghost Hunts. Let's hope it will be more
successful than the other two. All our preparations have been made and
now it is up to the spooks. My colleague tonight is Professor Mignon of
Paris. He is the most celebrated investigator of psychic phenomena in
the world and I am very proud to be his collaborator.
are in a medium-sized, three-story Georgian house not far from London.
We have chosen it for this reason: it has a truly terrible history.
Since it was built, there are records of no less than thirty suicides in
or from it and there may well have been more. There have been eight
since 1893. Its builder and first occupant was a prosperous city
merchant and a very bad hat, it appears: glutton, wine bibber and other
undesirable things, including a very bad husband. His wife stood his
cruelties and infidelities as long as she could and then hanged herself
in the powder closet belonging to the biggest bedroom on the second
floor, so initiating a horrible sequence.