“When I married you I thought that I was going to have a husband,” exclaimed Amy Hunting. “But, instead I have found only a living death with an author, a slave to a machine.”
“When I married you I loved you and I still do,” replied her husband.” I do not see why you should complain about my work, as long as I make a living for the two of us,”
“The same old argument!” retorted the wife, “When we married, you were a bond salesman. Your work brought you into contact with living people in the daytime and with your wife at night. We went places and saw things, played bridge, entertained. We had many mutual interests. Now, there are only three interests in your life, reading, thinking and writing. Everything else that you do, such as eating, talking, dressing and sleeping, you do only because it is necessary and not because you want to. You begrudge the time spent at meals and you used to enjoy eating.”
“At least, I am making a better living than I did selling bonds. You have everything you need, and even some luxuries,” John Hunting said with a smile. He knew that it was a hard statement to deny.
“I was happier when we were poor,” his wife cried. “Then, selling bonds was your vacation and your wife your avocation. Now I am just a piece of furniture. Our friends used to call me Amy Hunting! Now they refer to me as the wife of the man who wrote THE PERPETUAL HONEYMOON. And for every person who knows you are a married man there are ten thousand who speak of you as the creator of Angelica Lamereaux, the wonder woman the perfect sweetheart, the modern Lilith, the eternal feminine perfume. Ten million women try to imitate her, twenty million adore her. Her picture is in every home; her image in every man's heart. And, because you created her, fifty million men envy you and as many women feel that because you understood Angelica Lamereaux you understand them. Perfumed letters, requests for your autograph, invitations for the week end, requests for lectures—those are my surroundings.”
John Hunting looked at his wife. It was not the first time that they had talked over the matter of his national popularity, but It was the first time that he had come to a realization of the real psychology of his wife's reaction.